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Home / Calmer Blog / CHAI HOT TODDY


With temperatures dropping, fireplaces beginning to roar, and the once adorned singlets are being traded for thermals, it is no wonder that the Hot Toddy is beginning to show up in bar menus and cold hands around Melbourne. 

Chai Hot Toddy

This elixir of a cocktail not only soothes the soul on a cold evening, but it in fact has a medicinal history of its own. Toddy, coming from the Hindi word “Taddy”, meaning “beverage made from fermented palm sap” became a staple from as early as the 1600’s. Praised for its healing properties, many-a-doctor began prescribing this warm, spicy and soothing libation.  

Let’s chai it for ourselves!

Chai Hot Toddy



  • Cinnamon Stick
  • Star Anise



  1. Place a scoop of Calmer Chai into a saucepan and add boiling water.  Set aside.
  2. Grab your favourite mug and add the lemon juice and honey.
  3. Strain hot chai-infused water into the mug.  Stir to incorporate the honey.
  4. Add the whisky! Make sure to add this last, as the whisky will begin to evaporate once heated.
  5. Garnish with Lemon wheel (or cinnamon stick and Star Anise for extra spice!)
Chai Hot Toddy

Hot toddies are incredibly versatile; add more or less whisky, more honey if you have a sore throat and prefer tipples a tad sweeter, or even swap the chai-infused water with your favourite hot tea or tisane (we recommend using the Floral Fields).  There is no wrong way to make them, as long as your hands are warm and your heart is full.

For some more warming cocktail inspo, check out our Chai Mulled Wine, perfect for those chilly nights indoors. Enjoy! 

Chai Hot Toddy