This time of year can be a little crazy whirlwind so we wanted to get some expert advice on ways you can stay grounded during this silly season. Here are 5 tips on staying grounded from Kinesiologist Chloe.

Don’t feel pressured to say yes to every event. This time of year can be stressful, so make sure your people-pleasing tendencies don’t have you saying ‘yes’ to every event and outing. You don’t want to burn out by Christmas day and then have to spend the New Year's break recovering from burnout. Use this time of year to practise saying “no” to things that aren't going to fill up your cup and ultimately…serve you! Let go of the idea of letting people down and change your perspective to preserve your energy and wellbeing. You deserve a break!
Family gatherings can be triggering at the best of times let alone with the added stress of the busy season. Spending time around family this time of year can bring up a lot of triggers and childhood wounding, so be gentle on yourself. Simply notice when someone has done or said something that has triggered you and instead of reacting straight away in defence mode take a moment to self reflect on why you’ve been triggered and how you’d like to react from a grounded space, not a reactive state.
Now is the time of year to buckle down on your alone time. Make sure you are putting time aside each week in your calendar to fill up your cup. Maybe it’s doing your skincare routine with some magnificent candles burning or maybe it's taking yourself to a vigorous pilates class or perhaps, out on a relaxing coffee date. Just be sure to do things for yourself so that you can have the time and space to ground yourself before (and after!) all the craziness.

Work is busy, social calendars are busy so don't forget to celebrate when you make it through challenging periods. Be sure to buy yourself some fresh flowers (yes, you deserve them!) or book in for a massage to reward your efforts in showing up and getting through all this hectic holiday shmozzle. Perhaps this time of year is extra emotional for you, if so, allow yourself to celebrate simply getting through the days. Times are hard, and it’s ok to just be ok.
The holidays can be an expensive time of year, so it’s the perfect opportunity to practise having an abundant mindset. Notice “that feeling” when you are starting to have fears around not having enough money and swiftly switch your mindset to trusting that ‘the money you spend will flow back to you easily and effortlessly’. This is a great mantra to hold over the holidays! We may fall into the scarcity trap but remind yourself that this time of year is meant to be enjoyed and shared with loved ones. That’s its true purpose. So, let go of the financial pressures you put on yourself for a couple of weeks and simply let yourself enjoy the holidays!
If you’d like more free insight and tips on staying grounded follow Chloe on instagram @innerbloom_withchloe or head to her website to book a session.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!