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The days are darker and shorter, and for some reason it’s harder to get out of bed these days. The cold is starting to make you feel numb both physically and emotionally and you’re left thinking, “How do I get out of this funk?” 

You’re not alone. Winter can be tough for most people.  In fact, some people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D)  and are left feeling pretty crumby over winter. But even for those who aren’t diagnosed, the winter can leave some people feeling a tad…bleh.

So, how do we get some pep back in our step? We’ve put together our Top 10 Tips to help combat the winter blues.


1. Get Outside During The Day 

If you find the decrease in daylight affecting your mood, it’s time to grab a warm coat, your winter boots, a good podcast and go for a walk.  Being out in nature while the sun is shining (and even when it is overcast), can boost your mood tremendously.


2. Shake it Up

Exercise, whether it be light or vigorous can help with boosting your mood.  By getting your blood pumping, you release endorphins that help with enhancing your sense of well-being.  A lil’ gym sesh can also help take your mind off any worries, help you gain confidence and may offer a chance to socialise with others.  Lots of wins here!


“Being out in nature while the sun is shining (and even when it is overcast), can boost your mood tremendously.”



3. Shift Your Mindset Towards The Cold

We are all guilty of complaining about the cold from time to time, but by doing so we are feeding into the negative mindset we have towards winter. Changing your perspective on cold weather could help you to stay out of a funk, not to mention the cold actually has health benefits such as helping burn calories, helping you get a better night's sleep, and also improving your brain function.

4. Invest In Clothes That Make You Feel Great (And Keep You Warm!)

It’s time to go into your wardrobe, look at your winter clothing, and in the words of Marie Kondo, see which items spark joy. Wearing clothes that make you feel like the goddess that you are, are super comfortable (and of course are weather appropriate) can really help you to feel good about yourself even though it's freezing outside. If your winter staples are lacking, we recommend investing in some quality and timeless pieces that you’ll use year after year. Think comfy boots, chunky knits, cosy jackets, and woolly socks! Don’t forget to pick items that will ignite some excitement when you get to wear them. 


“Wearing clothes that make you feel like the goddess that you are can really help you to feel good about yourself.”



5. Use a Dawn Simulator

A “what?” you say. Dawn simulators are alarm clocks that produce light that gradually intensifies, just like the sun.  Instead of loudly (and rudely!) waking you up from your slumber, a dawn simulator mimics the sunrise so that your journey out of your dream state is a pleasant one! Plus, research shows that dawn simulators are a wonderful light therapy tool for those suffering mild S.A.D.



6. Eat Your Greens!

Although there is a time and a place for Uber Eats, nothing beats a healthy home-cooked meal.  Even the process can be therapeutic, especially when your favourite tunes or podcast are playing in the background, (check out the Blind Boy Podcast, it’s one of our faves at the moment). Perhaps even try out a new recipe from that recipe book you have been meaning to go through.  Trying something new (especially delicious food) will put some zing back into your life.


7. Stay In Contact

Prioritising being social, even if it is simply a quick zoom call or FaceTime chat to a friend or family member, will boost your spirits.  There are links between social isolation and depression, which with the recent pandemic was at an all time high.  So, if you can, make time to go for brunch to that fun new cafe with a friend, or even go out to a movie with your family.  You don’t have to share your popcorn, but sharing your time with others will be exactly what the doctor ordered.

“Make time to go for brunch to that fun new cafe with a friend.”


8. Brighten Your Space

As winter approaches, we tend to hibernate indoors, so why not turn your space into an interior designer's dream.  From rearranging your living room, to a massive clean, to buying new plants, artwork or bedding, make your space somewhere that you want to be.  Even purchasing an aromatherapy kit will help create a more enjoyable and comfortable  space (and it will smell great too!).


“Make your space somewhere that you want to be.”

9. Practise Gratitude

When things are cold and grey and we are feeling a little lacklustre, it’s easy to retreat and decide that life sucks.  However, our mindset is one of the most powerful things we have.  Even simply spending the morning meditating or  practising ritual, or taking out 5 minutes each day to focus on what we are grateful for, can improve our mindset dramatically.  Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself and see the difference it makes!  Realising that there is so much to be grateful for, brings more abundance into our lives.


10. Journey Inward

  • The colder months are the perfect opportunity to self-reflect and go inward. Use these few months to journal and spend time by yourself in order to deepen the relationship with yourself. Here is a few journal prompts you can use:
  • What have I achieved in the past 6 months and how do I feel about my accomplishments?
  • How can I start to nurture and love myself more during Winter and what practices can I put in place for self-care? 
  • What am I looking forward to in the coming months?


     “The colder months are a perfect opportunity to self reflect and go inward.”


    Winter doesn't have to be so bad; it's all about changing your relationship with it so you can thrive in the cold. After all, we were given seasons for a reason so let's lean into the magic of Winter and let this restorative and cosy time transform us so we’re ready to bloom again in Spring!

    We hope you enjoyed these top 10 tips and look forward to hearing about how they have (hopefully!) improved your winter.

    Much love,

    The Calmer Sutra Team